Asset Optimisation
Lloyd Alman asset optimisation enables oil, gas and LNG operators to increase production revenue, reduce operating expenditure and optimise commercial strategies. Our fundamental understanding of energy management optimisation has allowed us to develop leading edge solutions to assist our clients to meet the demands of the low-carbon economy.
Production Optimisation Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) modelling is used by Lloyd Alman to identify the best design taking into account factors such as: Equipment capacity and rel...
Gas Processing Lloyd Alman has been involved in gas processing for over 10 years and has capabilities in all of the major gas processing unit operations with a particular expertise in solid bed...
Rotating Machinery Solutions Lloyd Alman provides technical solutions and products to owners and operators across the full range of rotating equipment and process plant. This is backed up with our ext...
Dynamic Simulation Services Lloyd Alman offers a multi-disciplinary consultancy service, which includes both flow assurance and hydraulic consultancy and is based upon dynamic pipeline simulati...
Gas Quality and Interchangeability Lloy Alman offers a consultancy service that can identify issues of gas quality related to new LNG or inter connector projects, quantifying everything from upstrea...
Energy Management, Optimisation and Compliance The way we use energy and the emissions caused by our energy use have never been more of a concern than now. Lloyd Alman can apply its energy chain knowl...
Gas Quality and Metering Consultancy Lloyd Alman provide a wide range of technical support on metering and measurement. The range of services provided is extensive, ranging from the development of reg...