Marine Consulting & Operations
Lloyd Alman provides consulting and operations services for different types of marine operations: marine warranty, marine consulting, marine casualty investigations, marine operations and dynamic positioning.
Marine Consulting & Operations Lloyd Alman provides consulting and operations services for different types of marine operations: marine warranty, marine consulting, marine casualty investigations, marine operations and dynamic positioning. ![]()
Marine WarrantyMarine Warranty Working on behalf of insurance underwriters, Lloyd Alman’s expertise and experience is put to use evaluating operational risks and assessing the feasibility of working practices by m...![]()
Marine ConsultingMarine Consulting Lloyd Alman’s mariners have both specialist offshore experience and detailed tanker knowledge which they use to perform surveys on oil and gas rigs, construction and support ve...![]()
Marine Casualty InvestigationsMarine Casualty Investigations Lloyd Alman provides a global service to lawyers, underwriters, P&I clubs and ship owners to investigate, report and act as an expert witness on marine and energy ca...![]()
Marine OperationsMarine Operations Active support for all marine operation Through our Group synergies,Lloyd Alman specialises in the provision of world-class personnel and expertise in support of offshore marine oper...![]()
Dynamic PositioningDynamic Positioning Dynamic Positioning (DP) is a computer-controlled system that automatically maintains a vessel’s position and heading. Lloyd Alman provides DP assurance services, including failu... |
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